Promote Academic Success in Your Home:

Environmental Modifications and Tools

Children with Sensory processing differences and related conditions (such as autism, ADHD, anxiety, SPD, etc.) display difficulties with executive function (such as the ability to plan ahead, meet goals, display self-control, follow multiple-step directions, avoid distractions, etc.), sensory processing, and attention regulation, which impact studying and academic performance (Passarello et al., 2022). Likewise, executive functioning challenges impact planning and organization (Administration for Children and Families, 2023), resulting in poor time and task management or even problems starting tasks. Children may also experience sensory sensitivities (being under-responsive to some senses and over-responsive to others). Likewise, attention skills can also be a challenge for these children, as sensory overload can negatively impact a child’s concentration skills, leading to burnout. Lastly, children with sensory processing challenges may face difficulties in self-regulation (Administration for Children and Families, 2023), which can also be caused by sensory overload. Self-regulation challenges may negatively affect school and learning as individuals cannot focus and retain information when in an unregulated state. When a child is having difficulties regulating their emotions, it can be more difficult to dedicate time and energy to studying and completing homework.. Despite these challenges with academics, attention, and regulation, we firmly believe, with the right environment, all children can thrive!

This blog is the second of a two-part series focusing on academic performance with a sensory-friendly lens. This blog will highlight the environmental factors and essential tools to consider implementing when creating your child’s personally designed study space.

Importance of dedicated study space: 

Children with sensory processing issues will benefit from a study space geared towards their needs. Environmental changes may help the child increase focus, attention, retention of educational material, relaxation, and overall academic performance (Project Learning Tree, 2019).

Environmental Factors for an Efficient Student Desk

Environmental modifications can help a child remain focused on tasks and retain information more effectively.

  • Personalization: Personalization is a key factor in increasing your child's intrinsic (internal) motivation (Ferlazzo, 2017). Incorporate specific ways to personalize the child’s space, such as motivational wall decals or posters from your children’s favorite brands, shows, etc.

  • Lighting: This is an essential factor in a child’s environment (Administration for Children and Families, 2023). Lighting that is too bright can cause the visual system to become overloaded, causing distraction and preventing the child from getting any work done. We recommend using LED desk lamps with adjustable brightness and color temperatures (such as Philips Hue Smart Bulbs- a product we commonly use) to reduce eye strain and mimic natural light. 

  • Aroma Diffusers:  Aroma diffusers with calming scents can create a peaceful study atmosphere. For example, lavender is an essential oil that promotes relaxation and releases the ‘feel good’ hormones- serotonin and dopamine (Swaim, 2019). Orange and peppermint scents typically awaken the senses to promote energy and focus. Select the appropriate aromatherapy scents depending on your child’s needs.

  • Desk dividers or privacy shields: Privacy dividers, ranging from expensive to affordable, help to develop an enclosed study space, which may help minimize visual distractions.


It’s crucial to eliminate visual distractions if your child has difficulty with attention skills. Avoiding high-traffic areas is beneficial for all children as it helps to limit potential obstacles, distractions, and loss of focus. Furthermore, position your child’s desk or study space near a window for natural light. Natural lighting has been proven to help increase vitamin D in the body, which helps to prevent certain types of cancers, heart disease, depression, and unhealthy weight gain. It also provides higher energy levels for individuals, leading to more productivity and better sleep (Davis, 2014).

Essential Tools to Increase Academic Productivity


  • Fidget tools: Fidgets range from handheld to jewelry, to pencil grips and caps, to oral chewies, and everything in between. Generally, a fidget is something that allows for distraction and soothing effects, as it provides tactile, visual, and/or oral stimulation. See a recent post by SENSE-ational Spaces to learn more about fidgets.

  • Noise-filtering headphones: Another way to limit auditory input and decrease distraction due to noises from objects and others is through noise-canceling headphones with adjustable settings. This can enhance the child’s ability to block out external distractions effectively.

  • White noise machines: These limit the distraction of auditory stimulation by creating a constant noise throughout the space

  • Weighted blankets, lap pads, and compression clothing: Weighted blankets and compression items provide deep pressure that creates a calming feeling, which can be beneficial during study sessions and homework times. Deep pressure can help to soothe and calm the mind, offering deep pressure or tactile input to aid in regulation and focus (ABA, 2023). This allows for better executive functioning and improved focus during study sessions.

  • Interested to learn more about deep pressure? Click here

Sensory-Friendly Seating

Sensory-friendly chairs can allow movement while sitting, aiding sensory regulation without disrupting learning.

  • Alternatives to the typical chair setting may benefit your child, such as stability cushions, Wiggle seats, hoppers, or bouncy bands for chairs that encourage continuous movement or tactile input without distracting from studying. Continuous movement can help with concentration as it increases blood flow to the brain, raising endorphin levels (Fun and Function, n.d.), which can increase attention and working memory skills. This allows your child to retain and recall the information they are learning much more effectively.

Organizational Tools and Time Management Aids

Time Management

Time management tools provide the child with independence as they don’t need another person to tell them when to start and stop. This sense of autonomy can increase motivation in their environment (Ferlazzo, 2017). Furthermore, it can enhance concentration by creating specific study-focused periods and clear expectations for when the child needs to study or do homework tasks. Some time management tools include:

  • Visual schedules and timers: Visual schedules can be easily homemade and can be purchased at many locations, including Amazon.

  • Distraction-blocking apps: Apps like FocusMe or StayFocusd, show how to configure website blocking and distraction-limiting features during study hours. Likewise, many phones, tablets, and laptops can limit use, helping your child remain focused and on task.

  • Task boards or checklists: These tools help break down tasks into manageable steps. Breaking up steps into chunks is a beneficial way to lessen your child’s anxiety with completing tasks (Nemours Children's Health, 2023).

By providing tools and adaptations such as these, students with SPD can better establish an environment that caters to their sensory needs, fosters improved focus, regulation, and academic performance.


Applied Behavioral Analysis, ABA. (2023). What is deep pressure stimulation? Wiley University Services.

Administration for Children and Families. (2023). Executive functioning. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

Davis, C. (2014, March 24). Shining light on what natural light does For your body. NC State University.

Ferlazzo, L. (2017, March 1). Student engagement: Key to personalized learning. ASCD.

Fun and Function. (n.d.). 7 strategies to improve focus.

Nemours Children's Health. (2023, August). 10 ways to help your child succeed in elementary school.,end%20time%20can%20also%20help.

Passarello, N., Tarantino, V., Chirico, A., Menghini, D., Costanzo, F., Sorrentino, P., Fucà, E., Gigliotta, O., Alivernini, F., Oliveri, M., Lucidi, F., Vicari, S., Mandolesi, L., & Turriziani, P. (2022). Sensory Processing Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Taking Stock of Assessment and Novel Therapeutic Tools. Brain sciences, 12(11), 1478.

Project Learning Tree. (2019). Why environmental education is important. Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.,environment%2C%20the%20more%20manageable%20are%20their%20symptoms.

Swaim, E. (2019, December 12). 10 ways to boost dopamine and serotonin naturally. Good Therapy.,to%20release%20serotonin%20and%20dopamine.


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